Monday, 4 May 2015

May 4th 1915:
Over the course of the 8 days in the trenches the 20th battalion had been subject to heavy shelling
and suffered casualties as a result. The daily battalion diary noted the dead and wounded.
As previously noted , as Louis was using a 1912 diary he used the dates from the diary and added the day in 1915. So he has marked the above as Wednesday 4th May. In fact at this stage he was still out by a day, as Wednesday was the 5th May. The battalion diary notes that the men were relieved and billeted in Laventie on the 5th.

The map below shows the location of Laventie , and its proximity to Neuve Chappelle and Aubers.

 The next few days would pass peacefully leading upto the 9th May.

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